Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

"the zoo strory" fourth drama assignment

NIM : A.320 080 259
 PETER : A man in his early forties, neither fat nor gaunt, neither handsome nor homely. He wears tweeds, smokes a pipe, and carries horn-rimmed glasses. Although he is moving into middle age, his dress and his manner would suggest a man younger.
 Jerry : A man in his late thirties, not poorly dressed, but carelessly. What was once a trim and lightly muscled body has begun to go to fat; and while he is no longer handsome, it is evident that he once was. His fall from physical grace should not suggest debauchery; he has, to come closest to it, a great weariness.
2. PLOT.
This one-act play concerns two characters, Peter and Jerry. Peter is a middle-class publishing executive with a wife, two daughters, two cats and two parakeets who lives in ignorance of the world outside his settled life. Jerry is an isolated and disheartened man who lives in a boarding house and is very troubled. These men meet on a park bench in New York City's Central Park. Jerry is desperate to have a meaningful conversation with another human being. He intrudes on Peter’s peaceful state by interrogating him and forcing him to listen to stories from his life, including "THE STORY OF JERRY AND THE DOG” and the reason behind his visit to the zoo. The action is linear, unfolding in front of the audience in “real time”. The elements of ironic humor and unrelenting dramatic suspense are brought to a climax when Jerry brings his victim down to his own savage level. The catalyst for the shocking ending transpires when Peter announces, "I really must be going home..." Jerry, in response, begins to tickle Peter. Peter giggles, laughs and agrees to listen to Jerry finish telling "what happened at the zoo." At the same time Jerry begins pushing Peter off the bench. Peter decides to fight for his territory on the bench and becomes angry. Unexpectedly, Jerry pulls a knife on Peter, and then drops it as initiative for Peter to grab. When Peter holds the knife defensively, Jerry charges him and impales himself on the knife. Bleeding on the park bench, Jerry finishes his zoo story by bringing it into the immediate present, "Could I have planned all this. No... no, I couldn't have. But I think I did." Horrified, Peter runs away from Jerry whose dying words, "", are a combination of scornful mimicry and supplication.
It is Central Park; a Sunday afternoon in summer; the present. There are two park benches, one toward either side of the stage; they both face the audience. Behind them: foliage, trees, sky. At the beginning, Peter is seated on one of the benches.
The grammatical structure in this dialogs’ used Standard English language style. The type of language style used narration or dialog style. The sentence construction in this dialogs’ is short construction.
Edward Albee's The Zoo Story is a long one-act play in which "nothing happens" except conversation until the violent ending. Shorn of much of the richness of Albee's utterly arresting language, and his astonishing nuances of psychological attack and retreat, the play can be described as follows: A man named Peter, a complacent publishing executive of middle age and upper-middle income, is comfortably reading a book on his favorite bench in New York's Central Park on a sunny afternoon. Along comes Jerry, an aggressive, seedy, erratic loner. Jerry announces that he has been to the (Central Park) Zoo and eventually gets Peter, who clearly would rather be left alone, to put down his book and actually enter into a conversation. With pushy questions, Jerry learns that Peter lives on the fashionable East Side of the Park (they are near Fifth Avenue and 74th Street), that the firm for which he works publishes textbooks, and that his household is female-dominated: one wife, two daughters, two cats, and two parakeets. Jerry easily guesses that Peter would rather have a dog than cats and that he wishes he had a son. More perceptively, Jerry guesses that there will be no more children, and that that decision was made by Peter's wife. Ruefully, Peter admits the truth of these guesses. The subjects of the Zoo and Jerry's visit to it come up several times, at one of which Jerry says mysteriously, "You'll read about it in the papers tomorrow, if you don't see it on your TV tonight.'' The play never completely clarifies this remark. Some critics think, because of statements Jerry makes about the animals, that he may have released some from their cages, while others think Jerry is talking about a death which has not yet happened, which might be headlined "Murder Near Central Park Zoo.'' The focus now turns to Jerry, who tells Peter that he walked all the way up Fifth Avenue from Washington Square to the Zoo, a trip of over fifty blocks. Adding Washington Square to Jerry's appearance and behavior, Peter assumes that Jerry lives in Greenwich Village, which in 1960, the year the play was first produced, was the principal "bohemian" section of Manhattan. Jerry says no, that he lives across the Park on the (then slum-ridden)... » Complete the Zoo Story Summary

the proposal thrid assignment

NIM : A.320 080 259
1. Character and Characterization.
 Stepan Stepanovitch Tschubokov, 70 years old, a landowner
 Natalia Stepanovna, his daughter, 25 years old
 Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov,35 years old, a neighbor of Tschubukov, a large and hearty, but very suspicious landowner
2. Plot.
Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov, a long-time neighbor of Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov, has come to propose marriage to Chubukov's 25-year-old daughter, Natalia. After he has asked and received joyful permission to marry Natalia, she is invited into the room, and he tries to convey to her the proposal. Lomov is a hypochondriac, and, while trying to make clear his reasons for being there, he gets into an argument with Natalia about The Oxen Meadows, a disputed piece of land between their respective properties, which results in him having "palpitations" and numbness in his leg. After her father notices they are arguing, he joins in, and then sends Ivan out of the house. While Stepan rants about Lomov, he expresses his shock that "this fool dares to make you (Natalia) a proposal of marriage!" This news she immediately starts into hysterics, begging for her father to bring him back. He does, and Natalia and Ivan get into a second big argument, this time about the superiority of their respective hunting dogs, Otkatai and Ugadi. Ivan collapses from his exhaustion over arguing, and father and daughter fear he's died. However, after a few minutes he regains consciousness, and Tschubukov all but forces him and his daughter to accept the proposal with a kiss. Immediately following the kiss, the couples get into another argument.

3. Themes.
The farce explores the process of getting married and could be read as a satire on the upper middle class and courtship. The play points out the struggle to balance the economic necessities of marriage and what the characters themselves actually want. It shows the characters' desperation for marriage as comical. In Chekhov's Russia, marriage was a mean of economic stability for most people. They married to gain wealth and possessions or to satisfy social pressure. The satire is conveyed successfully by emphasizing the couple's foolish arguments over small things. The main arguments in the play revolve around The Oxen Meadows and two dogs called Ugadi and Otkatai.
4. Setting.
The setting of place in this drama is in Chubukov’s house.
The setting of time is in the evening.
5. Style.
The grammatical structure in this dialogs’ used Standard English language style. The type of language style used narration or dialog style. The sentence construction in this dialogs’ is short construction.
6. Conclusion.
The conclusion is a relationship between man and society. It appears when the Lomov visits to Chubukov’s house and want to propose Natalya. Chubukov’s attitude to Lomov is kind and polite; it can be called a good neighbor. From the story, we can take message, if we want to make a good neighborhood; we have to be nice and do not fight to each other.

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

drama new assignment

NIM : A.320 080 259
1. Character and characterization.
 Main Characters
Willy Loman - A 63 year old once popular salesman who’s lost his popularity and sales, not to mention his mind.
Biff Loman - A 34 year old son of Willy who has been searching for himself while working on farms in the west to the dismay of his father.
Happy Loman - The younger brother of Biff who tries in all he can to please his father and attempts to continue his father’s dream after he dies.
Linda Loman - The wife of Willy who tries to protect Willy’s feelings and can’t make herself confront him if it means hurting his feelings.
 Minor Characters
Bernard - A bookish friend of Biff and Happy who urges Biff to study in high school to no avail, however, he himself makes it as a prominent lawyer and goes to argue a case to the supreme court at the end of the play.
Charley - Bernard’s father who is fairly successful and offers Willy a job which Willy refuses on the basis of pride.

2. Setting
Willy’s house - Small house in New York surrounded by apartments.
Restaurant - Restaurant where Stanley works where the Lomans were supposed to have dinner at the end of the play.
The hotel - The hotel where Willy stays while in New England for his business trips. This is where Biff catches his father in the affair.
3. Plot
Biff returns from the west to visit his family although he doesn’t know how long he’s going to stay. Happy is glad to see him, but Willy seems strangely irritated. He talks to old friends he imagines to the chagrin of his family, but no one has the heart to confront him about it. Willy has a flashback of a time when Biff and Happy were promising high school students. In the flashback, Willy gives his sons a punching bag. He also condones Biff’s stealing of a football and doesn’t encourage them to study as much as they should. He emphasizes being well liked. After the flashback, Happy talks with Willy and asks him why he didn’t go to New England for his business trip. Willy explains that he almost hit a kid in Yonkers. He also tells his sons of his brother Ben who made a fortune on a trip to Africa.
Charley comes to Willy’s house at night complaining of not being able to sleep. Charley and Willy play cards, but at the same time, Willy hold a conversation with his imaginary brother. Charley has no idea what’s going on and leaves. Willy continues the conversation regretting that he stayed in American while he could have gone to Alaska or Africa with his brother and made a fortune. While Willy is having this imaginary conversation, Biff talks with Linda and asks her about Willy’s condition. Linda explains that she can’t bring herself to confront Willy about it. She also tells Biff that Willy has attempted suicide by crashing the car several times. Willy comes out of his reverie and speaks with his family about their jobs. Happy has an idea of starting a line of sporting goods so Biff decides to go to Bill Oliver to ask to borrow money. Willy decides to go to Howard the next day to ask if he can work in New York so that he wouldn’t have to drive 700 miles to work.. The next day Willy goes to Howard and Biff goes to see Oliver. They decide to celebrate their success by going out for dinner at night. When Willy talks with Howard, he loses his temper and begins yelling at Howard who in turn fires him. After Biff goes to see Bill, Bill doesn’t remember him and doesn’t lend him money. At night, Biff and Happy arrive at the restaurant before their father. Biff explains to happy that he didn’t get the money, and happy encourages his brother to lie. Willy arrives. Biff tries to tell Willy that he didn’t get the money and that he stole a fountain pen from Bill. However, Happy is at the same time lying to Willy that Bill warmly welcomed Biff. Willy apparently accepts Happy’s version. Willy tells his sons that he was fired and falls into his reverie having a flashback of the time Biff caught him in his affair. He remembers that it was that moment that Biff’s life ended. Happy does not want to put up with his father and leaves with Biff and two girls they met earlier at the restaurant. The two of them arrive home late and the coldly receives by Linda. Biff confronts Willy about his suicide attempts and Willy denies everything. He tells Biff that he did not get any money from Oliver and has no hope go get any money. He accuses Willy of not know who he really is. However, after this, Biff cries and leaves. Willy realizes that Biff loves him and decides to celebrate by killing himself by crashing the car which would give his family 20 thousand dollar in life insurance. No one but his family and Charley goes to his funeral.
4. Symbols
Stockings - They symbolize Willy’s infidelity and his lack of caring for his own wife since his gives his wife’s stocking to “The Woman.”
Stolen lumber - This symbolizes Willy’s acceptation of stealing and lack of understanding what really goes on.
Recorder - This symbolizes the success Willy dreams he could have had and wishes he had. It also symbolizes his pride as he tells Howard that he will get one while there is no way he can afford it.
Tennis rackets - Ironic symbol of Bernard’s success since Bernard goes to play tennis with a friend who owns a tennis court. It is ironic since it was the Loman brothers who thought sports equipment would be their success.

5. Style
The style and devices Miller uses enhances Willy’s mental state. By using flashback and reveries, he allows the audience to get into the mind of Willy Loman and brings us into a sense of pity for him. Miller also uses a lot of motifs and repeated ideas through the play to give the viewers an idea of what Willy and his situation is all about. Personal attractiveness is an oft repeated motif. It shows that Willy believes that personal attractiveness makes one successful, but his belief is shot down by the success of Charley and Bernard who, in his mind, are not personally attractive. Other motifs are debt which sadly the Lomans escape after Willy dies, stealing which Willy condones, even encourages, the boxed-in feeling of Willy, the idea that Willy’s life is passing him by, expressed in the quote, “The woods are burning,” and Ben’s success and the qualities that brought about his success.
6. Dominant Philosophy
Miller seems to say with this play that any man can have as great a fall and be as great a tragedy as a king or some other famous person. Just because people are common does not mean that their falls are to them less steep. Also one must find oneself to be successful in life.
“Work a lifetime to pay of a house. You finally own it and there’s nobody to live in it.” Willy tells this to his wife after hearing that his sons left together for the evening and that they only needed one more payment on the house.
“Why am I trying to become what I don’t want to be? What am I doing in an office, making a contemptuous, begging fool of myself, when all I want is out there, waiting for me the minute I say I know who I am! Why can’t I say that, Willy?” Biff says this to Willy while arguing about his revelation and found self.
“I am not a leader of men, Willy, and neither are you. You were never anything but a hard-working drummer who landed in the ash can like all the rest of them! I’m one dollar an hour, Willy! I tried seven states and couldn’t raise it. A buck an hour! Do you gather my meaning? I’m not bringing home any prizes any more, and you’re going to stop waiting for me to bring them home!” Biff says this to Willy while arguing with him. Willy is shocked that Biff thinks so lowly of himself not realizing that what Biff says is true.
“Isn’t that -- isn’t that remarkable? Biff -- he likes me!” Willy says this to his wife and to himself after the argument with Biff. He had believed that Biff was out to ruin his life out of spite.

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

drama assignment

NIM : A.320 080 259
1. Character and Characterization.
In this drama script, there are three characters. They are Maid, Pupil, and Professor. Based on these characters there are two major characters. They are Pupil and Professor. And then the minor character is Maid. The identity of these characters such as follows:
a. Maid : She is stout, aged 45-50, red-faced, and wears a peasant women’s cap. She is a bad woman who is covers wickedness of her boss. She feigns to be a good woman to every Pupil of her boss. But she is very loyal to her boss notwithstanding her boss is fault.
b. Pupil : A young Pupil aged 18. She is wearing a gray student’s smock, a small white collar. She is kind and warm. She is not cleaver Pupil. She is easy to bore and little lazy.
c. Professor : he is little old man with a little white beard. He wears pince-nez, a black skull cap, a long attachable white collar, a black tie. He is smart, intelligent, and educated people. He is also demurely man and polite. He has a bad temper and easy to angry. He is the murderer of fourth of his Pupil.
2. Setting.
The setting places in “the lesson” drama takes place in the Professor house. In this house is also to use room course for his Pupil.
3. Plot.
The plot of this story uses traditional plot. The traditional plot consists of four parts. The first part is exposition. The exposition begins when the maid opens the door for the new Pupil and she calls the Professor to come down. And the pupil meets with the professor and they introduce their selves to each other. The second plot is complication. The complication in this story begins when the professor asks a question to the pupil but she cannot give a right or good answer. And the she does not understand the explanation of the professor. The third plot is climax. The climax in this story begins when the professor cannot handle his temper to his pupil. He blows of the knife twice to his pupil and the pupil is dead at this time. He is confused about what he has done to his pupil. And then his maid knows what he has done to his pupil, many problems begins in this part. The last plot is resolution. The resolution begins when the fact about professor revealed. The fact in this story is the professor is murderer of fourth of his pupil and the maid knows the problems of his boos. The maid makes a deal with the professor. The professor deals with his maid to bury all of his victims. The lat session is the maid opens the door to other pupil or the next victims of professor.
4. Point of View.
The point of view in this story is non-participants because the narrator does not introduce his/ herself as a character.
5. Style.
The grammatical structure that uses in this story is dialogues (standard language). The sentences construction that uses in this story is long dialogues. The norm of languages that used in this story is formal conversation between Professor and Pupil/ student. The figurative languages in this conversation used hyperbole (that’s good that’s very perfect; you are exquisite. I congratulate warmly miss; so much worse for me), personification (I’ll bash in your skull).
6. Theme.
The theme of this story tells about the relation men and society.
7. Issue.
The professional professor killed fourth of his pupil caused one reason that was the pupil could not followed his course. They did not understand professor explanations. It might be described that professor was a psychopath.
8. Summary.
In this story tells about the relation between men vs. society. It tells about professor who killed fourth of his pupil. The professor’s maid covered the wickedness of his boss. They are buried by professor and his maid to make corpse disappear and they are not punishable. The message in this story tells about how uncontrolled temper made a misfortune. The teachers should be understand the ability of his students and encourage to them to learn more based on their ability.

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011


Poma kaki padha dipun eling
Ing pitutur ingong
Sira uga satriya arane
Kudu anteng jatmika ing budi
Ruruh sarta wasis
Samubarang tanduk
Nulada laku utama
Tumraping wong tanah Jawi
Wong Agung ing Ngeksianda
Panembahan Senapati
Kepati amarsudi
Sudaning hawa lan nenpsu
Pinesu tapa brata
Tanapi ing siyang ratri
Amemangun karyenak tyas ing sasama
Saranane wong yun luhung
Betah tapa kurang guling
Elinga solah jatmika
Yen wicara kudu manis
Murih sengseming sasama
Samaning manungsa sami
Lamun sira anggeguru kaki
Amiliha manungsa kang nyata
Ingkang becik martabate
Sarta kang wruh ing hukum
Kang ngibadah lan kang wirangi
Sokur oleh wong tapa
Ingkang wus amungkul
Tan mikir pawewehing lyan
Iku pantes sira guranana kaki
Sartane kawruh ana
Aja turu sore kaki
Ana dewa nganglang jagal
Nyangking bokor kencanane
Isine donga tetulak
Sandang kalawan pangan
Yaiku bageyanipun
Wong melek sabar narima
Aja nganti kabanjur
Barang polah kang nora jujur
Yen kabanjur sayekti kojur tan becik
Becik ngupayaa iku
Pitutur ingkang sayektos
Maratani mring anak putu ing wuri
Den padha prayitna
Ajana kang kuma wani
Mring biyung tanapi bapa
Ingkang eling iku ngeling ana marang
Sanak kadang kang lali
Den nedya raharja
Mangkono tindak ira
Yen tan nggugu iya uwis
Teka meneng amung aja sok ngrasani
Sekar pangkur kang winarna
Lelabuhan kang kanggo wong ngaurip
Ala lan becik puniku
Prayoga kawruh ana
Adat waton punika dipun kadulu
Miwah ingkang tata krama
Den kaesthi siyang ratri
Para janma sajroning jaman pakewuh
Kasudra nira andadi
Dahurune saya ndarung
Keh tyas mirong murang margi
Kasetyan wus nora katon
Ngelmu iku kalakone kanthi laku
Lekase lawankas
Tegese kas nyantosani
Setya budya pangekese dur angkara
Macam - macam contoh tembang macapat :
Dawaning awan, sepining wengi
Ning ati mung loro
Amung ana awakku lan kowe
Kabeh ngiwiti cerita iki
Ning ja nganti lali
Pituture wong tuwa
Wis suwi aku nunggu kowe ra tangi
Agawe kuciwa
Saiki kowe wis bali
Lan dadi penghuni surga
Lagi dhek wingi ketemu
Wis ngrasa kangen ing ati
Masia kur sedhela
Nanging tetep ana arti
Ora pengen tak lalekna
Tetep ana njero ati
Ja sepelekke nasehat
Kang bakalan migunani
Awit cilik teka tuwa
Ja mung dipendem ing ati
Ning tansah dilakoni
Bisa guna nggo uripmu
Kang bener turutana
Ja didelok sing nuturi
Ning jupuken paedahe ingkang guna
Sepiku ing tengah wengi
Aku tansah kelingan
Saiki sing tak rasakne
Saya suwe saya cuwa
Aku kur basa pasrah
Kabeh rasamu nggo aku
Ora bisa tak rasakna
Ing kana–kene akeh mayit gumelethak
Kang mbela nagari
Nggo ngusir penjajah
Lara ra sepiroa
Nganthi tumeka ing pati
Bisa merdeka
Kang tujuan utami
Sekolahku ing SMP siji
Aku manggon ing kelas songo A
Kadang resik, kadang reget
Thitik sing gelem manut
Bocahe rame lan kemlinthis
Agawe nesu sing mulang
Iku gambaran kelasku
Isik ngono keadaane saiiki
Ning aku tetep bangga
Nasihat lan pitutur
Kang bener terapna nggo uripmu
Kabeh eling–elingen ja nganthi lali
Aja lali pituturku
Merga sira isih enom
Ora wedhi nyawa ilang
Nggo mbales dendam kang ana ing ati
Gawe ora bisa turu
Sing terus kepikiran
Pinginku kuwi wis atos kaya watu
Pancen angel gawe sirna
Masia teka ing pati
Apa kedadeyan iki wis takdirku
Kelangan wong sing tak asih
Isik take ling kabeh janjimu
Agawe lara ing ati
Merga kowe saya adoh
Bapak pucung biasane saka kayu
Awujudmu kothak
Iku kanggo adah klambi
Biasane si pucung ana ing kamar


Secara umum diperkirakan bahwa macapat muncul pada akhir masa Majapahit dan dimulainya pengaruh Walisanga, namun hal ini hanya bisa dikatakan untuk situasi di Jawa Tengah.[8] Sebab di Jawa Timur dan Bali macapat telah dikenal sebelum datangnya Islam.[8] Sebagai contoh ada sebuah teks dari Bali atau Jawa Timur yang dikenal dengan judul Kidung Ranggalawé dikatakan telah selesai ditulis pada tahun 1334 Masehi.[13] Namun di sisi lain, tarikh ini disangsikan karena karya ini hanya dikenal versinya yang lebih mutakhir dan semua naskah yang memuat teks ini berasal dari Bali.[15]
Sementara itu mengenai usia macapat, terutama hubungannya dengan kakawin, mana yang lebih tua, terdapat dua pendapat yang berbeda. Prijohoetomo berpendapat bahwa macapat merupakan turunan kakawin dengan tembang gedhé sebagai perantara.[16] Pendapat ini disangkal oleh Poerbatjaraka dan Zoetmulder. Menurut kedua pakar ini macapat sebagai metrum puisi asli Jawa lebih tua usianya daripada kakawin. Maka macapat baru muncul setelah pengaruh India semakin pudar.
Supaya lebih mudah membedakan antara guru gatra, guru wilangan lan guru lagu dari tembang-tembang tadi, maka setiap metrum ditata di dalam sebuah tabel seperti di bawah ini[17]:
Tembang cilik / Sekar alit
10i 10a 7u 9i 7a 6u 8a 12i 7a
12i 6a 8i 8a

8a 8i 8a 8i 7i 8u 7a 8i 12a
8u 8i 8a 8i 8a 8i

8a 8i 8a 7a 8u 8a

12a 7i 6a 7a 8i 5a 7i

8a 11i 8u 7a 12u 8a 8i

10i 6o 10é 10i 6i 6u

12u 6a 8i 12a

Tembang tengahan / Sekar madya
8a 8u 8u 8a 8u 8a 8u

8i 8o 10u 6i 7a 8a

12a 12a 12u

7u 10u 12i 8u 8o

12u 8i 8u 8i 8o

Tembang gedhé / Sekar ageng
8a 8a 8a 8a 8a 8a 8a 8a